Key Information

Fitzmaurice Primary School

Behaviour, Attendance & Welfare


Our expectation is that pupils attend school every day for every session. We believe that regular, uninterrupted attendance secures the best possible learning achievement for all our children and we are committed to working in partnership with families to achieve this. Schools are expected to monitor all pupils’ attendance records closely and to share these with the Local Authority and with the next school when pupils transfer.

Headteachers have no discretion to grant leave of absence during term time unless there are genuinely exceptional circumstances. It is the responsibility of parents to contact the school in writing when requesting any leave for their children so that each case can be considered on an individual basis.

School opens at 08.40am and school starts at 08.50am. The register is taken at 08.50am. If a child arrives at school after the start of the school day but within 20 minutes, they will be registered as ‘late’; this is not an unauthorised absence and the child is counted as present for the morning session. Lateness beyond 09:10am will be counted as an absence. This will be an unauthorised absence unless parents/carers provide the school with an acceptable reason.

Regular and punctual attendance has a big impact on attainement.  If your child has a regular or persistent absence or lateness and/or attendance persistently below 95% you will be asked to attend a meeting to discuss this. The School’s Education Welfare Officer may become involved at any stage of the School’s attendance monitoring which could lead to a penalty notice (fine) being issued.


Attemdnce Chart

As part of our duties under Safeguarding (Child Protection) we have to be confident of the reason for the child’s absence. All absences from school have to be accounted for and should we not hear from parents we will contact you to find our where your child is.

If your child is ill, please telephone the school as soon as you know that s/he is not going to be able to attend school, and continue to phone in on each day of absence. If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea, s/he must be kept at home for 48 hours after the vomiting/diarrhoea has stopped in order to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

Latest government guidelines on holiday absence in term time mean that it is no longer possible to authorise any request for holiday absence, this includes extended family leave to visit relatives abroad.

Requests for leave of absence should be made on the application form, which is available in the list below or from the office. Parents who take 5 or more days leave of absence risk receiving a fine per parent per child.


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