134 hz7a6257
Fitzmaurice Primary School

Subject Information

Our Curriculum

At Fitzmaurice, pupils enjoy a broad, rich and exciting knowledge and skills based curriculum, which is designed to be relevant to pupils’ interests, promote enjoyment, encourage creativity and independence and be appealing to both boys and girls.

Please find our School Curriculum Statement (Intent, Implementation & Impact) in the documents in Our Curriculum section. 

A strength of the school’s broad and balanced curriculum is the outstanding range and quality of learning opportunities and experiences, provided through special events, educational visits and visitors, out-of-school clubs and community links. Highlights from previous years include: Take One Picture, visits to We The Curious, The Roman Baths, Stonehenge, Bristol Zoo Project and London (where we have seen a number of West End shows), the West Wiltshire Dance Festival, and residential trips to Charterhouse and Plas Pencelli.

In visiting any class, you will find fun and engaging activities, designed especially to enable learning, encourage independence and confidence and challenge thinking. Classroom learning environments are exciting and vivid from FS2 to Y6. This last school year was packed with exciting trips, visits from interesting people, learning in the community and great joint projects between pupils across the school. During the teacher’s non contact time (PPA) the children undertake a variety of enrichment activities which include: Forest Schools, Swimming, PE and Music all taught by specialists. In Key Stage 2 all the children learn to play the ukulele. Children learn to sing in addition to their curriculum music lessons.  All children who learn an instrument have the opportunity to perform in special assemblies.

There are a great many extra curricular opportunities for the children provided through a mixture of free and paid clubs before and after school. These change each term, however amongst our most popular are: netball, active club, football, comic making and choir. Our sports teams are always highly successful.

For more detail on what each individual class (or year group) is studying, please take a look at the relevant class page. If you require further information about our curriculum please contact your child’s class teacher or if you are a visitor to the site please contact the Office.

For information on the National Curriculum follow this link:


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