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21 February 2025

Term 3

Find out what's been going on in Term 3 Swift & Wagtail Reception Classes This term we have been engrossed in the story 'Zog' by Julia Donaldson. The reception children have loved learning about Zog written by Julia Donaldson and have been looking at what they can do since starting school themselves. We have looked at the terms ‘past’ and ‘present’ and made a timeline of our own lives. We have been writing sentences about what we can do now. In maths we have been looking at the numbers to 10 and learning to use ‘one touch, one number name’ to make sure we are counting accurately. After we found an egg in the school grounds, we wondered whether it was a dragon egg. We learned that dragons are mythical creatures and looked which animals come from eggs. We looked at the habitats of wild animals around the world. We have enjoyed celebrating the Lunar New Year. We also loved it when Bradfords brought a dumper truck to the school after Bella from Wagtails suggested the winning name for it – Rainbow Sparkle! We were lucky enough to all get chance to sit on it and beep the horn! Even the teachers got a go! Year One children in Wagtails have been writing the most amazing stories using the new vocabulary from our writing lessons. In maths we have been working hard to learn and use new terminology such as addend, expression, and equation! We have been learning to explain our thinking and are beginning to write our reasoning in our maths lessons- we have enjoyed the challenge! One of our favourite subjects this term has been ICT where we have been using the program ‘Scratch Jr’ to code - we made characters move and even recorded our voices to sound like instruments. Year 3 and 4 have had a very busy time this term, learning all about volcanoes and rocks. We have learnt all about how volcanoes are formed and the different layers of our Earth. We have enjoyed doing practical experiments with real rocks, to test how their attributes differ. At the end of the term, we erupted our volcanos that we made for our creative homework, well done to the children, their volcanoes were amazing. This term, we have been reading ‘The Wild Robot’ by Peter Brown, we have used this text in our English lessons to write setting descriptions based on the island areas discovered by Roz the robot in the book. Puffins and Dove have been fortunate to have an expert PE coach to teach them the rules and skills of hockey, whilst Kingfishers have been machine dancing!  This term in Year 5 and 6, we have really enjoyed becoming familiar with some of the stories in our book ‘Survivors’ (some of them were quite gruesome!). We have been busy learning and refining our journalistic writing skills, to report on some of the incredible tales of survival. In science, we have been learning about how and why different species evolve over time and have explored some of the specific adaptations which help them to survive in their environments. We particularly enjoyed learning about hybrid animals and were surprised to learn that some of our own pets could be considered as ‘hybrid’ breeds. In art, we became architects, sketching and designing our own buildings and taking inspiration from other famous architects. In History, we have been learning about Greek myths; Greek beliefs and how the different city states were governed, including the rights of their citizens. We have been studying the structures of various different types of bridges in DT – ask us which type of bridge is the strongest! We enjoyed building bridges from different materials, including spaghetti, paper and wood – learning how to saw safely and accurately was definitely our highlight!
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